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Grow Your ’Stache to Raise Cash for Prostate Cancer Awareness

MovemberYou may have noticed that some of your male neighbors and coworkers are looking a little scruffier than usual. They aren’t necessarily growing out their mustaches to fight the winter chill but may in fact be doing it for a good cause — to fight cancer. Each year during “Movember,” men around the world grow out their Mo’s to raise awareness for prostate cancer and other cancers that affect men. The Prostate Cancer Foundation and LIVESTRONG, the Lance Armstrong Foundation, are event partners.

Although we’re midway through Movember, it isn’t too late to get involved. To sponsor a team or to make a donation on behalf of someone with a great Mo, go to

If you would like to start or join a “Mo Bros” team, you can still register at

You can register with your Facebook account, which is a convenient way to spread the word to friends, family and potential sponsors.

At the end of the month, participants are eligible for awards in categories such as Best Mo and Lame Mo.

Movember puts a fun spin on a serious issue. Prostate cancer affects one in six men in America. Sixty-five percent of men with prostate cancer are diagnosed after the age of 65; however, the risk of getting prostate cancer significantly increases after age 40. Besides age, family medical history, diet and general health also factor in to a man’s risk of developing prostate cancer.

There are things men can do to reduce the risk of prostate cancer:

  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet and exercise to maintain a healthy weight.
  • Reduce your fat intake from red meat and dairy.
  • Seek treatment for high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
  • Try to relax and reduce stress in your day-to-day life.
  • Keep up with your yearly medical checkups. Discuss your family history with your doctor and determine an appropriate screening schedule.

To learn more, visit the Prostate Cancer Foundation.

Do you know someone with a great Mo? Post their picture on our Facebook Page.

Dr. Jeff Pinkerton
I care for you.

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