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Kilgore - (903) 984-3101
03Sep 19

September is Our Month of Giving

Proceeds go to The Boys & Girls Club of the Big Pines September is Insight Eyecare’s Month of Giving, an annual event benefiting a local or locally founded charitable organization.…

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04Sep 18

September is Our Month of Giving

Proceeds go to Assistive Technology Catalyst Project September is Insight Eyecare’s inaugural Month of Giving, an annual event benefitting a local or locally founded charitable organization. This year, we’re supporting…

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04Sep 17

What is a Dry Eye Workup?

Dry Eye Workup Explained Several medical and environmental conditions can cause dry eyes. To successfully treat dry eyes and provide lasting relief, Dr. Pinkerton must pinpoint the specific cause. Although…

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04Apr 17

Vision Changes During Pregnancy

The most obvious changes to a woman's body during pregnancy happen south of the chin. But did you know that hormonal and physical changes during pregnancy can affect eye health…

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03Aug 16

Third Annual Archery Super-tuning Clinic

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Third Annual Archery Super-tuning Clinic identifies ways to significantly improve equipment performance with slight modifications In time for bow hunting season, archers can evaluate their equipment and…

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