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12Apr 13

Is Crizal Worth the Extra Cost?

Along with a heavy advertising push for Crizal on TV and in magazines come lots of questions from patients: What exactly is Crizal? How does it improve vision? How does…

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18Jan 13

Why am I seeing spots?

It may pain you a bit to learn there is another part of your body that can lose firmness as you age – your eyes. About the time you start…

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19Nov 12

Seeing the Benefits of Exercise

Generally, what’s good for the heart is good for the eyes, and research shows that’s true of exercise. Following a fifteen-year study exploring the effects of lifestyle on vision, researchers…

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21Aug 12

Getting Kids Back on Schedule for School

Summer is a time of delightful disruption. But suspended bedtimes, sleepovers, and late-night celebrations can disrupt sleep patterns for the whole family. Then, when summer ends, it’s difficult to reestablish…

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